Promotional Materials
a pamphlet which informs a community, targeting small and large businesses the benefits of geographic knowledge. En Français, "Les problèmes complexes auxquels votre communauté et votre entreprise font face exigent des connaissances en géographie"
"How to Help Children Become Geographically Literate"
a pamphlet which families and caregivers may work with children to help them learn about the world in which we all live. En Français,"Comment Aider Les Enfants À Acquérir Des Connaissances En Géographie
a statement to parents and educational decision-makers on the importance of supporting geography education, prepared by Dickson Mansfield. En Français, "L'importance De La Géographie Pour Le Programme Scolaire"
a statement on the purpose and value of geography prepared by Stuart Semple and the Canadian Council for Geographic Education